CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Jérôme Héricourt

Scientific Advisor

Money & Finance


Tél. +33 (0)1 53 68 55 14


updated : June 16, 2021
Structure of Income Inequality and Household Leverage: Theory and Cross-Country Evidence
Seminaire interne LEM-CNRS (UMR 9221), 17 January 2017
Remi Bazillier, Jérôme Héricourt, Samuel Ligonnière

Inégalités et Finance, un couple infernal ?
Les Journées de l'Economie, 9 November 2016
Jérôme Héricourt

Inégalités et finance : quelles relations de causalité ?
Problèmes économiques, N° Hors Série "Comprendre la Finance", La Documentation Française, September 2016
Rémi Bazillier, Jerome Héricourt

Les entreprises multi-destinations, mieux armées face au risque de change
La Lettre du CEPII, N°367, July 2016
Jérôme Héricourt, Clément Nedoncelle

How Multi-Destination Firms Shape the Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade
Le Blog du CEPII, Post, June 14, 2016
Jérôme Héricourt, Clément Nedoncelle

How multi-destination firms shape the effect of exchange rate volatility on trade
voxeu.org, June 11,  2016
Jérôme Héricourt

Do foreign demand shocks impact company sales in France ?
Rue de la Banque, N°24, May 2016
Nicolas Berman, Antoine BerthouJerome Héricourt

How Multi-Destination Firms Shape the Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade: Micro Evidence and Aggregate Implications
CEPII Working Paper, N°2016-05, March 2016
Jérôme Héricourt, Clément Nedoncelle

Exchange Rate Volatility, Financial Constraints and Trade: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Firms
World Bank Economic Review, vol. 29(3), p.550-578, October 2015
Jérôme HéricourtSandra Poncet

Relative Real Exchange-Rate Volatility, Multi-Destination Firms and Trade: Micro Evidence and Aggregate Implications
3rd Annual HEC Paris Workshop “Banking, Finance, Trade and the Real Economy”, 9 October 2015
Jérôme Héricourt, Clément Nedoncelle

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