CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Competitiveness & Growth

706 document(s) : results 541 to 560
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Opening a Pandora's Box: Modelling World Trade Patterns at the 2035 Horizon
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-22, July 2013
Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré

La compétitivité française, est-ce simple comme un Big Mac ?
France 24.com, July 19,  2013
Benjamin Carton

Délocaliser ou externaliser : comprendre les stratégies des entreprises françaises
Le Blog du CEPII, Post, June 25, 2013
Lionel Fontagné

Etats-Unis : la faiblesse de la reprise n’explique pas entièrement celle de l’emploi
Le Blog du CEPII, Post, June 6, 2013
Valérie Mignon, Laurent Ferrara

Chômage des jeunes : un plan ''ridicule''
Europe 1, June 28,  2013
Laurence Nayman

New Revealed Comparative Advantage Index: Dataset and Empirical Distribution
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-20, June 2013
Elsa Leromain, Gianluca Orefice

House Prices Drive Current Accounts: Evidence From Property Tax Variations
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-18, June 2013
François Geerolf, Thomas Grjebine

Does Services Liberalization Affect Manufacturing Firms' Export Performance? Evidence from India
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-17, June 2013
Maria Bas

Non-tariff measures: Regional cooperation and competitiveness through regulatory governance
In Arab Spring and Integration, M. Gasiorek Ed., Femise-CEPR, June 2013
Patricia Augier, Olivier Cadot, Julien Gourdon, Mariem Malouche

Réformer les marchés du travail en temps de crise : le FMI s’explique
Le Blog du CEPII, Post, May 3, 2013
Fabien Tripier

Prices and Productivity: A France-Germany Comparison
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-16, May 2013
Laurence Nayman

Post-Recession US Employment through the Lens of a Non-Linear Okun's Law
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-13, May 2013
Menzie Chinn, Laurent Ferrara, Valérie Mignon

Does Input-Trade Liberalization Affect Firms' Foreign Technology Choice?
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-11, April 2013
Maria Bas, Antoine Berthou

A Model of Firm Experimentation under Demand Uncertainty: an Application to Multi-Destination Exporters
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-10, April 2013
Cristina Mitaritonna, Zhanar Akhmetova

Chine. Fin du Forum de Boao (Hainan) sur l?Asie : la stratégie économique mondiale de la Chine
France Culture, April 10,  2013
Françoise Lemoine

Green growth: From intention to implementation
International Economics, Vol. 134, p.29-55, Q2 2013
Pierre-André Jouvet, Christian de Perthuis

Le coût de l'immobilier en France freine la compétitivité
Capital, February 26,  2013
Lionel Fontagné

Product Standards and Margins of Trade: Firm Level Evidence
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-06, February 2013
Lionel FontagnéGianluca Orefice, Roberta Piermartini, Nadia Rocha

Winners and Losers from Structural Reforms in India
La Lettre du CEPII, N°329, January 2013
Maria Bas, Antoine Berthou

Consumer confidence as a predictor of consumption spending: Evidence for the United States and the Euro area
International Economics, Vol. 134, p.1-14, Q2 2013
Stephane Dees, Pedro Soares Brinca

706 document(s) : results 541 to 560
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