CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Environment & Natural Resources

329 document(s) : results 241 to 260
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Financer les investissements pour une croissance soutenable en Europe
La Lettre du CEPII, N°353, March 2015
Michel Aglietta, Étienne Espagne

Financing energy and low-carbon investment: public guarantees and the ECB
CEPII Policy Brief, N°6, March 2015
Michel Aglietta, Étienne Espagne

La finance au secours du climat? La Nature entre prix et valeur
Natures Sciences Sociétés, 2015
Etienne Espagne, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Baptiste Perrissin Fabert

The low carbon transition between the animal spirits of finance and the fault lines of the world economy
In Moving the trillions, a debate on the positive pricing of mitigation actions., 2015
Jean-Charles Hourcade, Michel Aglietta, Baptiste Perrissin Fabert, Etienne Espagne

Climate Clubs and Cop21: Foes Or Allies?
In Moving the trillions, a debate on the positive pricing of mitigation actions., 2015
Etienne Espagne

Agricultural Trade, Biodiversity Effects and Food Price Volatility
CESifo Working paper, N°5417, 2015
Cecilia Bellora, Jean-Marc Bourgeon

Orienter les flux financiers vers la transition écologique : une proposition à trois étages
Note de l'Institut Veblen pour les réformes économiques, 2015
Etienne Espagne

Conférence de Lima: un sommet pour rien ?
BFM TV, December 15,  2014
Natacha Valla

De nouveaux outils pour relancer le marché carbone
Le Monde, September 22,  2014
Michel Aglietta

Structural breaks and the time-varying levels of weak-form efficiency in crude oil markets: Evidence from the Hurst exponent and Shannon entropy methods
International Economics, Vol. 140, p.89-106, Q4 2014
Walid Mensi,  Makram Beljid,  Shunsuke Managi

Greenhouse gases mitigation potential and economic efficiency of phasing-out fossil fuel subsidies
International Economics, Vol. 140, p.71-88, Q4 2014
Jean-Marc Burniaux, Jean Chateau

Energy prices and the real exchange rate of commodity-exporting countries
International Economics, Vol. 137, p.52-72, Q1 2014
Magali Dauvin

Approvisionnement énergétique : le dilemme européen
Le Blog du CEPII, Post, March 19, 2014
Laurence Nayman, Alix de Saint Vaulry

Current accounts and oil price fluctuations in oil-exporting countries: the role of financial development
Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 47, p.185-201, 2014
Jean-Pierre Allegret, Cécile Couharde, Dramane Coulibaly, Valérie Mignon

Modelling the redirection of technical change: the pitfalls of incorporeal visions of the economy
Energy Economics, 2014
Antonin Pottier, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Etienne Espagne

The comparative impact of Integrated Assessment Models’ structures on optimal mitigation policies
Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 2014
Antonin Pottier, Etienne Espagne, Baptiste Perrissin Fabert, Patrice Dumas

Why are climate policies of the present decade so crucial to keep the 2 degrees target credible?
Climatic Change, 2014
Baptiste Perrissin Fabert, Antonin Pottier, Etienne Espagne, Patrice Dumas

MIRAGE-e: A General Equilibrium Long-term Path of the World Economy
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-39, December 2013
Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré, Maria Priscila Ramos

Border Carbon Ajustment in Europe and Trade Retaliation: What would be the Cost for European Union?
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-34, November 2013
Jean Fouré, Houssein Guimbard, Stéphanie Monjon

Energy Prices and the Real Exchange Rate of Commodity-Exporting Countries
CEPII Working Paper, N°2013-28, September 2013
Magali Dauvin

329 document(s) : results 241 to 260
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