CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
The Impact of Immigration on Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Algerian Independence War
Journal of the European Economic Association, décembre 2019
Anthony Edo

Minimum wages and the labor market effects of immigration
Labour Economics, N°61, décembre 2019
Anthony EdoHillel Rapoport

Migration deflection: The role of Preferential Trade Agreements
Regional Science and Urban Economics, N°79, novembre 2019
Gianluca Orefice, Cosimo Beverelli

Brands in Motion: How frictions shape multinational production
American Economic Review, vol. 9(109), p.3073-3124, septembre 2019
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer

Do Visas Hinder International Trade in Goods?
Journal of Development Economics, N°40 , p.106-126, septembre 2019
Camilo Umana Dajud

The Impact of Immigration on the Labor Market
Journal of Economic Surveys, vol. 3(33), p.922-948, juillet 2019
Anthony Edo

Misfits in the car industry: Offshore Assembly Decisions at the Variety Level
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, N°52, p.90-105, juin 2019
Thierry Mayer, Keith Head

Immigration and electoral support for the far-left and the far-right
European Economic Review, vol. 115, p.99-143, juin 2019
Anthony Edo, Yvonne Giesing, Jonathan Öztunc, Panu Poutvaara

Power-law distribution in the external debt-to-fiscal revenue ratios: empirical evidence and a theoretical model
Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 60, Elsevier, p.341-359, juin 2019
Gilles Dufrénot, Anne-Charlotte Paret Onorato

Crimen y configuración urbana: una evaluación de precios de propiedades y bienestar en equilibrio general para la ciudad de Buenos Aires
El Trimestre Económico, vol. 86(342), p.437-466, avril 2019
Maria Priscila Ramos, Omar Osvaldo Chisari, Sonia León

The Cost of Non-Europe, Revisited
Economic Policy, vol. 34(98), p.145-199, avril 2019
Vincent VicardThierry Mayer, Soledad Zignago

Food trade, Biodiversity Effects and Price Volatility
International Economic Review, avril 2019
Cecilia Bellora, Jean-Marc Bourgeon

How Do Central Bank Governors Matter? Regulation and the Financial Sector
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 2-3(51), p.370-402, mars 2019
Prachi Mishra, Ariell Reshef

Désaccords commerciaux internationaux : au-delà de Trump
Politique étrangère, N°1, Armand Colin, p.57-69, mars 2019
Sébastien Jean

Cross-Border M&A Activity and Wage Dynamics
ILR Review, mars 2019
Gianluca Orefice, Nicholas Sly, Farid Toubal

The Surprising Instability of Export Specializations
Journal of Development Economics, N°137, p.36-65, mars 2019
Diego Daruich, William Easterly, Ariell Reshef

Does Exporting Improve Matching? Evidence from French Employer-Employees data
Journal of International Economics, N°117, p.229-241, mars 2019
Matilde Bombardini, Gianluca Orefice, Maria Tito

Agglomeration Economies and Firm Level Labor Misallocation
Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 19(1), p.251–272, janvier 2019
Lionel FontagnéGianluca Santoni

The Effect of Language Training on Immigrants’ Integration: Empirical Evidence from France
European Economic Review, N°113, p.265-293, 2019
Alexia Lochmann, Hillel Rapoport, Biagio Speciale

Can internal migration foster the convergence in regional fertility rates? Evidence from 19th century France
Economic Journal, vol. 620(129), p.1618-1692, 2019
Guillaume Daudin, Raphael Franck, Hillel Rapoport

Analysis of the Role of Tariff Concessions in East Asia
Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, vol. 13(2), p.141-167, 2019
Houssein Guimbard,  Kenichi Kawasaki, Badri G. Narayanan, Arata Kuno

Competing liberalizations: tariffs and trade in the twenty-first century
Review of World Economics, vol. 155(2), p.1-47, 2019
Jean-Christophe BureauHoussein GuimbardSébastien Jean

Agricultural Trade Liberalization in the 21st Century: Has it Done the Business?
Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 70(1), p.3-25, 2019
Jean-Christophe BureauHoussein GuimbardSébastien Jean

The quality effect of intrafirm bargaining with endogenous worker flows
International Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 15, p.183-207, 2019
Tristan-Pierre Maury, Fabien Tripier

Making (Small) Firms Happy? The Heterogeneous Effect of Trade Facilitation Measures
Review of International Economics, Forthcoming, 2019
Gianluca OreficeLionel Fontagné, Roberta Piermartini

Migration, Trade and Spillover Effects
Journal of Comparative Economics, Forthcoming, 2019
Gianluca Orefice, Erik Figueiredo, Luiz Renato Lima

Somatic Distance, Trust and Trade
Review of International Economics, vol. 27(3), p.786-802, 2019
Jacques MelitzFarid Toubal

Uncertainty shocks and firm creation: Search and monitoring in the credit market
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 99, p.1-53, 2019
Thomas Brand, Marlène Isoré, Fabien Tripier

Nutrition Transition and the Structure of Global Food Demand
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 2(101), p.383-403, 2019
Christophe GouelHoussein Guimbard

Demand learning and firm dynamics: evidence from exporters
Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 1(101), p.91-106, 2019
Nicolas Berman, Vincent Rebeyrol, Vincent Vicard

Déterminants politiques des transferts de l’Etat vers les communes : le cas de la DGF
Revue Economique, vol. 70(1), p.53-66, 2019
Etienne Farvaque, Jérôme Héricourt, Marcelin Joanis