CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
The Crucial Role of Domestic and International Market-Mediated Adaptation to Climate Change
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 106, p.102408, mars 2021
Christophe Gouel, David Laborde

Food security and welfare changes under COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts and responses in Kenya
Global Food Security, vol. 28(100514), mars 2021
Victor Nechifor, Maria Priscila Ramos, Emanuele Ferrari, Joshua Laichena & Evelyne Kihiu & Daniel Omanyo & Rodgers Musamali

Structure of Income Inequality and Household Leverage: Cross-Country Causal Evidence
European Economic Review, vol. 103629(132), février 2021
Rémi Bazillier, Jérôme Héricourt, Samuel Ligonnière

GVCs and the Endogenous Geography of RTAs
European Economic Review, vol. 132, février 2021
Lionel FontagnéGianluca Santoni

Globalization, Freedoms and Economic convergence: an empirical exploration of a trivariate relationship using a large panel
International Economics and Economic Policy, vol. 18, p.605–629, 2021
Jorge Braga de Macedo, Joaquim Oliveira Martins, João Tovar Jalles

Regional policy narratives and the Geographies of Discontent
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, vol. 14, p.625-629, 2021
Joaquim Oliveira Martins

Product Mix and Firm Productivity Responses to Trade Competition
Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 5(103), p. 874–891, 2021
Thierry Mayer, Marc Meiltz, Gianmarco Ottavianoo

Technology-induced Trade Shocks? Evidence from Broadband Expansion in France
Journal of International Economics, N°133, p.103520 , 2021
Clément Malgouyres, Thierry Mayer, Clément Mazet

The United States of Europe: A gravity model evaluation of the four freedoms
Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 2(35), p.23-48, 2021
Keith Head, Thierry Mayer

Economic Drivers of Public Procurement-Related Protection
The World Economy, vol. 44(11), p.3072-3090, 2021
Lionel Fontagné, Anne-Célia Disdier, Enxhi Tresa

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